• Client: Eurogroup for Animals
  • Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019
  • Duration: 2.5 hours
  • Venue: European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
  • Assignment: This conference was to put together in the same room different actors from Europe to tackle the various problems they face regarding wildlife. Across Europe, there is a significant demand for facilities able to house seized, confiscated, and surrendered exotic animals. Rescue centers, sanctuaries, and many zoos in Europe play a critical role in ensuring the welfare of these animals and supporting enforcement efforts. My assignment was to document the conference, its actors discussing and interacting with each other.
Two attendees talking during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Attendees listening during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Room overview during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
The audience during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
David van Gennep, CEO, AAA, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Irene Redtenbacher, FOUR PAWS International, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Anja Hazekamp, MEP, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Alicia Sánchez during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Reineke Hameleers, Director Eurogroup for Animals during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Neil Maddison, Landscape Conservation, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Tiger crisis video during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Attendees listening during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Attendee taking cellphone picture during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Jorge Rodríguez Romero during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Martin Hojsik, MEP, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Discussion Panel during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference

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