• Klant: Eurogroup for Animals
  • Datum: Woensdag 13 november 2018
  • Duur: 2.5 uur
  • Locatie: Europees Parlement, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: Deze conferentie was bedoeld om in dezelfde ruimte verschillende actoren uit Europa samen te brengen om de verschillende problemen aan te pakken waarmee zij te maken hebben met betrekking tot de wilde dieren in het wild. In heel Europa is er een grote vraag naar faciliteiten die in staat zijn om in beslag genomen, in beslag genomen en overgeleverde exotische dieren onder te brengen. Reddingscentra, toevluchtsoorden en vele dierentuinen in Europa spelen een cruciale rol bij het waarborgen van het welzijn van deze dieren en het ondersteunen van de handhavingsinspanningen. Mijn opdracht was het documenteren van de conferentie, waarbij de actoren met elkaar in gesprek en interactie waren.
Two attendees talking during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Attendees listening during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Room overview during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
The audience during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
David van Gennep, CEO, AAA, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Irene Redtenbacher, FOUR PAWS International, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Anja Hazekamp, MEP, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Alicia Sánchez during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Reineke Hameleers, Director Eurogroup for Animals during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Neil Maddison, Landscape Conservation, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Tiger crisis video during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Attendees listening during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Attendee taking cellphone picture during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Jorge Rodríguez Romero during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Martin Hojsik, MEP, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Discussion Panel during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference

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