• Klant: PES
  • Datum: Donderdag 17 oktober 2019
  • Duur: 3 uur
  • Locatie: Complex Albert Hall, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: De PES Pre Council Meeting is een regelmatige bijeenkomst waar de leden van de politieke partij van de PES de onderwerpen van actueel belang moeten bespreken. Zij bespreken de volgende strategische stappen in verband met Brexit en de populariteit van de ODA’s bij de Europese bevolking. Mijn opdracht was om foto’s te maken van de aankomsten, de familiefoto te maken en de vergadering te documenteren, inclusief elke aanwezige persoon in de vergadering.
Zoran Zaev and Sergei Stanishev shake hands during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Sergei Stanishev interviewed by local media during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Antti Rinne, Prime Minister of Finland, arriving at the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Jeremy Corbyn arriving at the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, arriving at the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Iratxe García arriving at the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Stefan Lofven, Prime Minister of Sweden, arriving to the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Family picture during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
António Costa and Alexis Tsipras walking to the room during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
António Costa, Prime Minister of Portugal, speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Room overview during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Sergei Stanishev, President, Party of European Socialists, opens the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Frans Timmermans speaks during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Frans Timmermans speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Iratxe García speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, UK, speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Sergei Stanishev, President, Party of European Socialists, listens to a member during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Nicolas Schmit and Ylva Johansson talking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Federica Mogherini talking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Alexis Tsipras, Leader of Syriza, Greece, speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Iratxe García, Jeremy Corbyn and Sergei Stanishev talking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels

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