• Klant: Social Economy Europe
  • Datum: Dinsdag 21 januari 2020
  • Duur: 1 uur
  • Locatie: Europees Parlement, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: De oprichtingsvergadering van de Interfractiewerkgroep Sociale Economie was een beknopte bijeenkomst, waaraan verschillende leden van het Europees Parlement deelnamen, en waarin de betrokken partijen de volgende stappen voor de structuur die zij vormden, vaststelden. De betrokken parlementsleden waren Patrizia Toia, Sven Giegold, Monia Semedo, Manon Aubry en Jordi Cañas. Er waren ook andere belangrijke spelers van het Social Economy Europe (SEE) team, zoals Juan Antonio Pedreño, voorzitter van SEE, en Víctor Meseguer, directeur van SEE. Het was mijn taak om de ontwikkelingen van de bijeenkomst te documenteren en een groepsfoto te maken als herinnering aan de gelegenheid.
MEP Patrizia Toia speaks during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
MEP Sven Giegold speaking during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Juan Antonio Pedreño, President of SEE, speaks during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Meeting overview of the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup at the EU Parliament
MEP Jordi Cañas Pérez speaks during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
MEP Jordi Cañas Pérez speaks during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
MEP Manon Aubry speaks and smiles during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Overview of the room during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup at the EU Parliament
MEP Monica Semedo speaks during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Attendee takes notes during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Víctor Meseguer, Director of SEE, speaks during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Banner of Social Economy Europe during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Several MEPs together for a group picture during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
MEPs exchanging business cards during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
MEPs take selfies during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Group picture of the Social Economy Europe team during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup

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