• Klant: EURADA
  • Datum: Woensdag 30 oktober 2019
  • Duur: 4 uur
  • Locatie: EURADA’s kantoor, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: Het documenteren van de ontwikkelingen van de IN4WOOD Slotconferentie tijdens de ochtendsessies. Deze conferentie bood een diepgaand inzicht in Industrie 4.0 door de ogen van de hout- en meubelindustrie.
Entrance to the conference room at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
The sessions start in the room at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Martin HUEMER, Senior Policy Officer, (DG RTD) at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Room overview at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Closeup of an attendee at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Irene BURRONI at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Maria Victoria BUENO DELGADO, Professor, UPC, at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
An attendee laughs at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
An attendee takes a picture with a cellphone at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Group funky picture at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Woman participant laughing while at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Dondu Unal HAKTAR, Head of HUGO BOSS Solutions, at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
David LORENZO, Production Manager, FAMA, at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
A woman takes a picture with her cellphone at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Peter VAN HOECKE, CEO, Van Hoecke nv, at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Giulia Dentice, CEO, Dall'Albero Srl, at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels

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