• Klant: The Legal 500
  • Datum: Donderdag 20 februari 2020
  • Duur: 6 uur
  • Locatie: Steigenberger Wiltcher’s, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: De Legal 500’s GC-top België 2020 nodigde de meest gewaardeerde interne adviseurs van de belangrijkste bedrijven in de Benelux uit om hun veranderende rol als interne leiders te bespreken en de uitdagingen, problemen en kansen waar ze in 2020 en daarna mee te maken krijgen. Mijn opdracht was om de ontwikkeling van de top te documenteren, waarbij de vier verschillende discussiepanels, interventies van het publiek en netwerkmomenten aan bod kwamen.
People registering at the beginning of the GC Summit Belgium 2020
One of the sign banners of the GC Summit Belgium 2020 with people around it
Attendees networking before the GC Summit Belgium 2020 starts
Participants entering the conference room at the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Peter Tweedley, The Legal 500, giving the opening speech during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Fatma Keskin, Zetes Industries, speaking at the discussion panel during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Thibaut Grégoire, Mastercard, intervening during the discussion panel at the GC Summit Belgium 2020
The room overview at the Steigenberger Wiltcher's during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Closeup of Dr Friedrich Popp, Debevoise & Plimpton, while speaking during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Closeup of a ginger man in the audience listening to a speech during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Hartmut Nedebock, GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines, talking at the discussion panel during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Teresa Basile, The Estée Lauder Companies, intervenes at the discussion panel during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
David Dumont, Hunton Andrews Kurth, moderating a discussion panel during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
An attendee checks out the flyers from sponsors during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Attendees networking during the coffee break at the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Attendee entering the conference room during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Liesbeth Demuynk, ISS, intervenes during the discussion panel at the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Robrecht Coppens, Loyens & Loeff, talking during the discussion panel at the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Grégoire Jakhian, Loyens & Loeff, speaking at the podium during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Overview of the conference room at the Steigenberger Wiltcher's during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Maarten Cleppe, AXA, talking during the discussion panel at the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Inger Verhelst, Claeys & Engels, moderating a discussion panel during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Closeup of a speaker moving his hand during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Jean Baptiste Chavialle, Uber, speaking during the discussion panel at the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Maarten Cleppe asking a question during Q&A at the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Attendees networking, mingling and chatting at the end of the conference during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Two attendees exchange cards at the end of the conference during the GC Summit Belgium 2020
Attendees in a circle talk and network at the end of the conference during the GC Summit Belgium 2020

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