• Klant: EURADA
  • Datum: Donderdag 30 januari 2020
  • Duur: 2.5 uur
  • Locatie: EURADA kantoor, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: Het EURADA Brokerage Event voor Innovatiebureaus is een eendaags evenement dat tot doel heeft deskundigen op het gebied van innovatie bijeen te brengen om best practices te delen, nieuwe partners te vinden voor lopende of toekomstige voorstellen en van elkaar te leren. Tijdens de conferentie waren deskundigen van de Europese Commissie aanwezig en gaven zij uitleg over oproepen en initiatieven voor innovatiebureaus. Mijn rol was het documenteren van de ochtendsessie, waarin de nieuwe innovatiemogelijkheden, de netwerksessie en de presentatie van de succesvolle projecten uit het verleden aan bod kwamen.
Janos Schmied speaking during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Women attendees observing a speaker during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Room overview of the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Gergely Tardos gives a speech during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
A woman from the audience poses a question during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Bogdan Chelariu during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Business cards exchange between attendees during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
People networking and talking on coffee break during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
A man interacting with a white board for networking during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
The EURADA staff poses for a photo during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Attendees networking over a coffee during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Attendees having a networking conversation during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Room overview during the presentation of successful projects at the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies
Jarmo Kauppinen moderating a session during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Giacomo Frisanco speaking during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Esteban Pelayo hold an award during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Jaime del Castillo presenting a project during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Cristina Molina Vercher presenting a project during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Luca Pira presenting a project during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Nicola Doppio presents a project during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA

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