A woman from the audience poses a question during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA

EURADA Brokerage Event voor Innovatiebureaus 2020

  • Klant: EURADA
  • Datum: Donderdag 30 januari 2020
  • Duur: 2.5 uur
  • Locatie: EURADA kantoor, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: Het EURADA Brokerage Event voor Innovatiebureaus is een eendaags evenement dat tot doel heeft deskundigen op het gebied van innovatie bijeen te brengen om best practices te delen, nieuwe partners te vinden voor lopende of toekomstige voorstellen en van elkaar te leren. Tijdens de conferentie waren deskundigen van de Europese Commissie aanwezig en gaven zij uitleg over oproepen en initiatieven voor innovatiebureaus. Mijn rol was het documenteren van de ochtendsessie, waarin de nieuwe innovatiemogelijkheden, de netwerksessie en de presentatie van de succesvolle projecten uit het verleden aan bod kwamen.

Janos Schmied speaking during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Women attendees observing a speaker during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Room overview of the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Gergely Tardos gives a speech during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
A woman from the audience poses a question during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Bogdan Chelariu during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Business cards exchange between attendees during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
People networking and talking on coffee break during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
A man interacting with a white board for networking during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
The EURADA staff poses for a photo during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Attendees networking over a coffee during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Attendees having a networking conversation during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Room overview during the presentation of successful projects at the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies
Jarmo Kauppinen moderating a session during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Giacomo Frisanco speaking during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Esteban Pelayo hold an award during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Jaime del Castillo presenting a project during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Cristina Molina Vercher presenting a project during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Luca Pira presenting a project during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA
Nicola Doppio presents a project during the 2020 Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies by EURADA

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MEPs take selfies during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup

Oprichtingsvergadering van de intergroep sociale economie

  • Klant: Social Economy Europe
  • Datum: Dinsdag 21 januari 2020
  • Duur: 1 uur
  • Locatie: Europees Parlement, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: De oprichtingsvergadering van de Interfractiewerkgroep Sociale Economie was een beknopte bijeenkomst, waaraan verschillende leden van het Europees Parlement deelnamen, en waarin de betrokken partijen de volgende stappen voor de structuur die zij vormden, vaststelden. De betrokken parlementsleden waren Patrizia Toia, Sven Giegold, Monia Semedo, Manon Aubry en Jordi Cañas. Er waren ook andere belangrijke spelers van het Social Economy Europe (SEE) team, zoals Juan Antonio Pedreño, voorzitter van SEE, en Víctor Meseguer, directeur van SEE. Het was mijn taak om de ontwikkelingen van de bijeenkomst te documenteren en een groepsfoto te maken als herinnering aan de gelegenheid.

MEP Patrizia Toia speaks during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
MEP Sven Giegold speaking during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Juan Antonio Pedreño, President of SEE, speaks during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Meeting overview of the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup at the EU Parliament
MEP Jordi Cañas Pérez speaks during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
MEP Jordi Cañas Pérez speaks during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
MEP Manon Aubry speaks and smiles during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Overview of the room during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup at the EU Parliament
MEP Monica Semedo speaks during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Attendee takes notes during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Víctor Meseguer, Director of SEE, speaks during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Banner of Social Economy Europe during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Several MEPs together for a group picture during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
MEPs exchanging business cards during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
MEPs take selfies during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup
Group picture of the Social Economy Europe team during the Constitutive meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup

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A chair is seen from behind with the Netflix logo during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner

Netflix België walking dinner met Diego Ávalos

  • Klant: De officiële Spaanse Kamer van Koophandel in België en Luxemburg
  • Datum: Woensdag 11 december 2019
  • Duur: 2 uur
  • Locatie: Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: Netflix organiseerde in samenwerking met de officiële Spaanse Kamer van Koophandel in België en Luxemburg een netwerkdiner met Diego Ávalos, Vice President of Original Content in het Spaans van Netflix, om de opening van de nieuwe kantoren van het bedrijf in de Europese wijk van Brussel te vieren. Het evenement omvatte de deelname van de Ambassadeur van Spanje in België, Hon. Mevrouw Beatriz Larrotcha Palma, de Voorzitter van de Kamer, Juan Rodríguez-Villa Matons en Esperanza Ibáñez, Directeur van het overheidsbeleid voor Spanje en Portugal van Netflix. Mijn rol was om foto’s te maken van de netwerkmomenten, de presentaties van Diego Ávalos en het walking dinner daarna.

Welcome table with two hostesses during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner in Brussels
Overview of the networking area with people networking during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner in Brussels
Diego Ávalos meets and talks with Beatriz Larrotcha Palma during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner
Pablo López Álvarez talking to guests during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner in Brussels
Guests entering the presentation room during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner in Brussels
Juan Rodríguez-Villa Matons gives a speech during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner in Brussels
Beatriz Larrotcha Palma during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner in Brussels
Screen with the Netflix logo during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner in Brussels
Diego Ávalos and Esperanza Ibáñez at the panel during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner in Brussels
The cover picture of Club de Cuervos on the screen during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner
A chair is seen from behind with the Netflix logo during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner
Diego Ávalos presenting Netflix during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner in Brussels
The cover picture of Casa de Papel on the screen during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner in Brussels
Diego Ávalos and Esperanza Ibáñez at the discussion panel during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner
Overview of the presentation room with the audience during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner in Brussels
A woman from the audience poses a question during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner in Brussels
Closeup of Diego Ávalos during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner in Brussels
A man from the audience smiles while posing a question during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner
Screen with the word
Closeup of the hand of a visitor holding a Netflix brochure during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner
Two men networking during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner in Brussels
Overview of the networking area after the presentation during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner
A woman smiles as she networks with other guests during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner
Overview of the networking area during the Netflix Belgium Walking Dinner in Brussels

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Alison April and Manelisi Genge during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels

Stellenbosch Universiteit Alumni Netwerkevenement

  • Klant: Stellenbosch Universiteit
  • Datum: Donderdag 28 november 2019
  • Duur: 1.5 uur
  • Locatie: Ambassade van de Republiek Zuid-Afrika, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: Dit alumni-netwerkevenement was een intieme gelegenheid waarin mensen met dezelfde interesses bijeenkwamen om te praten over bekende onderwerpen. Het centrale thema was de Stellenbosch Universiteit in Zuid-Afrika en ook Dr. Manelisi Genge, de ambassadeur van Zuid-Afrika in België, was aanwezig om een toespraak te houden. De avond werd afgesloten met een borrel en een netwerk. Mijn taak was om de sfeer, de lezingen en het netwerken tijdens de avond te documenteren met mijn fotografie.

A group of ladies welcomes guests during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Two women speak and laugh during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
An overview picture of the room during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Alison April gives a speech during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
The audience applauds after a speech during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Dr. Manelisi Genge, Ambassador of South Africa to Belgium at the South African Embassy, Brussels
The audience listens attentively during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Dr. Manelisi Genge during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
A guest woman listens to a speech during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Think Tank student gives a speech during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Professor Johan Fourie during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Think Tank student gives a speech during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
A group picture during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Boitshoko Ntshabele with group during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Alison April and Manelisi Genge during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
A group networking during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels

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Everybody dancing during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels

EU Skills for the Future Summit

  • Klant: EIT Raw Materials
  • Datum: Donderdag 28 november 2019
  • Duur: 9 uur
  • Locatie: Solvay Bibliotheek, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: De EU Skills for the Future Summit was een levendige gebeurtenis die ik met mijn fotografie heb kunnen verslaan. Studenten uit Slovenië, Hongarije en Zuid-Italië kwamen samen voor een dag vol activiteiten, workshops en zelfs dansen. Het idee was om verschillende actuele onderwerpen met betrekking tot duurzaamheid in de EU te bespreken. Aan het einde van de dag kregen de studenten de kans om hun ideeën te presenteren en eerlijke feedback te krijgen van een jury bestaande uit professionals en academici. Dit was zeker een van de meest dynamische evenementen die ik heb behandeld.

A group a students poses for a picture during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Opening speech by Eleanor Saunders during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Mario Roccaro gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Diana Filip, Deputy CEO at JA Europe, during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Students ice breaking activity during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A view from the top floor of the Solvay Library during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A student juggles oranges during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Overview of the Solvay Library room during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A closeup of a group of students working during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A group of students interacting during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Two girls observing a screen during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A girl smiles and holds a white board during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Stefano Arciprete gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Everybody dancing during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A group of students together posing during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A team of students gives a pitch about their idea during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A woman gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A student girl gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A student boy gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Students talking during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Jury debating during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
EU Commission representative gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Stefano Arciprete wraps up the event during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Final group picture all together during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels

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Volunteers smiling during the Animal Rights volunteers party

Animal Rights vrijwilligersfeest

  • Klant: Animal Rights
  • Datum: Zaterdag 23 november 2019
  • Duur: 3 uur
  • Locatie: Gent, België
  • Opdracht: Het vrijwilligersfeest was een initiatief van Animal Rights om waardering te tonen aan al haar vrijwilligers met een warme ochtend/middag samen. Met een brunch, een quiz en een verrassende goodiebag van andere ondersteunende organisaties hadden de vrijwilligers de kans om verder contact te leggen met de medewerkers van Animal Rights.

Banner of Animal Rights during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A volunteer grabbing food during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Carla Desseyn speaking during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A volunteer picks up a card for the quiz during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A volunteer raises her hand playing quiz during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A dog is being caressed during the Animal Rights volunteers party
An overview of the room during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Susan Hartland during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Els Van Campenhout smiling during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Volunteers smiling during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A volunteer speaking with a microphone during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Susan Hartland gives a speech during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Volunteers receive goodies during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Volunteers checking their goodies during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A hand from a volunteer checking a product from Lush during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Two volunteers petting a dog on the floor during the Animal Rights volunteers party

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An overview of the tent inside for the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019 when it starts

Oktoberfest Brussel 2019

  • Klant: Vertegenwoordiging van de Vrijstaat Beieren bij de Europese Unie
  • Datum: Woensdag 16 oktober 2019
  • Duur: 6 uur
  • Locatie: Vertegenwoordiging van de Vrijstaat Beieren bij de Europese Unie, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: Het Oktoberfest Brüssel is een jaarlijkse viering die door de vertegenwoordiging van de Vrijstaat Beieren bij de Europese Unie in Brussel wordt georganiseerd volgens de tradities van het Oktoberfest in München, Duitsland. Mijn opdracht was om het evenement te documenteren door de omgeving, de interacties en de sponsors te laten zien.

People entering the tent for the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
The empty tent inside for Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019 before it started
An overview of the tent inside for the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019 when it starts
A couple of musicians walk inside the tent while playing during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
A woman waitress carries four pints of beer during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
The opening ceremony during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019 with State Minister Dr. Herrmann
People cheering with beers on the main stage during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
Two girls carrying beer smiling to the camera during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
The gebirgsschützen group on their table during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
A band of musicians plays in the secondary stage during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
People posing with banner from Munich Tourism during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
Reporter interviews a woman during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
Overview of the main tent while people eat and drink during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
A guitar player smiles while playing on stage during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
People raising their glasses and cheering with beer during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
The Siemens group table smiles to the camera during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
A woman in a traditional Bavarian dress poses with a man to the camera during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
A man smiles while showing his Bavarian heart cookie during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
A group of people shows their Bavarian hearts while smiling during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
Three Hofbräu beers during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
A man and a woman hug during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
Detail of a man hugging a woman while carrying a Bavarian heart during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
An overview of the main tent during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019 towards the end of the evening
A man and a woman dance and smile to the camera during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019

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Audience applauding at the Vaudeville Theatre during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels

2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards

  • Klant: European Transport Safety Council
  • Datum: Woensdag 9 oktober 2019
  • Duur: 3 uur
  • Locatie: Vaudeville Theatre, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: De 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards is een jaarlijks terugkerend evenement waarbij verschillende initiatieven van het Europees Handvest voor de Verkeersveiligheid worden beloond voor hun bijdrage aan veiligere wegen in heel Europa. De winnaars werden bekendgemaakt in het prestigieuze Vaudeville-theater in Brussel door Europees commissaris voor vervoer Violeta Bulc. Mijn opdracht was om met mijn foto’s de prijsuitreiking, diverse presentaties, discussiepanels en de sfeer van de avond visueel te documenteren. Een kritisch moment was de familiefoto aan het eind van de avond, gevolgd door de borrel en de netwerkborrel daarna.

Vaudeville Theatre inside with guests during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Matthew Baldwin opening the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A woman talks about her team during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A woman awardee is interviewed during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A woman smiles during an interview at the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A woman from the audience during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A woman shakes hand during her interview at the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A man in the audience applauding during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A man gives a presentation during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
The Vaudeville Theatre during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Matthew Baldwin receives a guest on stage during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Two men during an interview at the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Closeup of the brochure during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Guests sitting on tables at the Vaudeville Theatre during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards
Violeta Bulc closing presentation during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Family picture all winners during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Béatrice Barrot speaking during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Elisabeth Werner, EU Commission, during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Discussion panel with the winners during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A woman receives an award during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
VOZIM winner from 2018 gets a hug during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Audience applauding at the Vaudeville Theatre during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Violeta Bulc closing speech during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
People enjoying drinks at the closing of the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels

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Turhan Özen, Chief Cargo Officer at Turkish Airlines opening speech during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony

Turkish Cargo Prijsuitreiking

  • Klant: Turkish Cargo
  • Datum: Donderdag 3 mei 2018
  • Duur: 4 uur
  • Locatie: Van Der Valk Hotel Brussels Airport, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: Een prijsuitreiking door Turkish Cargo, beginnend met een netwerkevenement, live muziek en een open terras, en eindigend met de prijsuitreiking.

Turkish Cargo Model airplane detail during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony
Tables closeup detail during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony
Turkish Cargo model airplane during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony
Entrance of the outside terrace during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony
People at the terrace networking during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony
People at the terrace networking and talking during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony
Turhan Özen, Chief Cargo Officer at Turkish Airlines during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony
People networking during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony
People networking at a round table during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony
Guest admiring the view from the window during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony
Saxo player silhouette during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony
Turhan Özen, Chief Cargo Officer at Turkish Airlines opening speech during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony
Dinner before the ceremony during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony
Winner and her prize during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony
Winners group picture during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony
Surprise flower gifts for the organizers during the Turkish Cargo Award Ceremony

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A group picture of JA Europe students and mentors during Leaders for a Day 2018

Leaders for a Day 2018 - Dag 2

  • Klant: JA Europe
  • Datum: Maandag 16 april 2018
  • Duur: 7 uur en een half
  • Locatie: Stanhope Hotel Brussels by Thon Hotels, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: De tweede dag ben ik op bezoek geweest bij een aantal studenten met hun dagmentoren voor de Leaders for a Day programma. In de namiddag kwamen ze allemaal samen voor een ceremonie waar er ook een presentatie was om de ondernemersmentaliteit te promoten.

A JA Europe student with Lynn Coutigny Right Management Belgium during Leaders for a Day 2018
A JA Europe student and Natascha Nagels ManpowerGroup during Leaders for a Day 2018
A JA student having breakfast with Natascha Nagels ManpowerGroup during Leaders for a Day 2018
A JA Europe student listens to her mentor attentively during Leaders for a Day 2018
A JA Europe student discussing with Christine Vanormelingen Euroclear during Leaders for a Day 2018
A JA Europe student talks with Christine Vanormelingen Euroclear during Leaders for a Day 2018
A group picture of JA Europe students and mentors during Leaders for a Day 2018
A group picture of JA Europe students and mentors during Leaders for a Day 2018
Caroline Jenner, CEO of JA Europe during Leaders for a Day 2018
Overview of the dining room during Leaders for a Day 2018
A closeup of a JA Europe student speaking during Leaders for a Day 2018
A JA Europe student speaking to the room during Leaders for a Day 2018
A JA Europe student sharing his experience during Leaders for a Day 2018
Daniel Calleja Crespo from the European Commission during Leaders for a Day 2018
The Entrepreneurial Attitude: Lessons From Junior Achievement's 100 Years book during Leaders for a Day 2018
Larry Farrell author of Entrepreneurial Attitude during Leaders for a Day 2018

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