• Klant: Communication Package
  • Datum: Donderdag 13 februari 2020
  • Duur: 6 uur
  • Locatie: Steigenberger Wiltcher’s, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: De 9e vergadering van de EU-Centraal-Aziatische werkgroep voor milieu en klimaatverandering (WGECC) was een conferentie op hoog niveau in Brussel. Het doel van de conferentie was om te spreken over milieubeheer, circulaire economie en duurzame consumptie en productie, aanpassing aan en beperking van de klimaatverandering, waterbeheer en horizontale kwesties. Het project heeft tot doel het milieu, de klimaatverandering en het waterbeleid op nationaal niveau in Centraal-Azië te verbeteren door aanpassing aan de EU-normen en investeringen in relevante sectoren te bevorderen om bij te dragen aan een meetbare vermindering van de door de mens veroorzaakte vervuiling, met inbegrip van de CO2-uitstoot. Mijn doel was om de sfeer, de interventies en de sprekers tijdens de tweedaagse conferentie te documenteren. Dit zijn de foto’s van de twede dag. Bekijk hier de foto’s van de eerste dag.
Attendees registering in the morning during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Luca Perez, Directorate-General for Environment, European Commission, during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Closeup of a man who listens to the presentations during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
The discussion panel sitting in the presentation table during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Susanne Lindahl, EU Commission, gives a speech during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Sarangoo Radnaaragchaa, UNECE, gives a presentation during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Ralf Ernst, OSCE, gives a speech during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Urvaksh D. Patel, Green Climate Fund, gives a presentation during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Audience applauding after the discussion panel during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Boris Iarochevitch, EEAS, giving an interview during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
John Bryant Collier, World Bank, gives a presentation during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Zafar Makhmudov gives a presentation during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
A woman from the audience listen carefully to a speech during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Alessandra Lepore, DEVCO, gives a speech during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Valts Vilnītis, WECOOP, gives a speech during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Mareike Well giving a speech during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Attendees networking exchanging business cards during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Lunch break people networking during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Attendees networking during the lunch break during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Alessandra Fidanza giving a speech during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Giovanni Brunelli giving a speech during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Johannes Stenbaek Madsen giving a speech during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
Closeup of the brochure of the event during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels
A woman raises her hand to pose a question during the 9th meeting of the WGECC in Brussels

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