Alison April and Manelisi Genge during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels

Stellenbosch Universiteit Alumni Netwerkevenement

  • Klant: Stellenbosch Universiteit
  • Datum: Donderdag 28 november 2019
  • Duur: 1.5 uur
  • Locatie: Ambassade van de Republiek Zuid-Afrika, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: Dit alumni-netwerkevenement was een intieme gelegenheid waarin mensen met dezelfde interesses bijeenkwamen om te praten over bekende onderwerpen. Het centrale thema was de Stellenbosch Universiteit in Zuid-Afrika en ook Dr. Manelisi Genge, de ambassadeur van Zuid-Afrika in België, was aanwezig om een toespraak te houden. De avond werd afgesloten met een borrel en een netwerk. Mijn taak was om de sfeer, de lezingen en het netwerken tijdens de avond te documenteren met mijn fotografie.

A group of ladies welcomes guests during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Two women speak and laugh during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
An overview picture of the room during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Alison April gives a speech during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
The audience applauds after a speech during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Dr. Manelisi Genge, Ambassador of South Africa to Belgium at the South African Embassy, Brussels
The audience listens attentively during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Dr. Manelisi Genge during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
A guest woman listens to a speech during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Think Tank student gives a speech during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Professor Johan Fourie during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Think Tank student gives a speech during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
A group picture during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Boitshoko Ntshabele with group during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
Alison April and Manelisi Genge during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels
A group networking during the Stellenbosch University cocktail at the South African Embassy, Brussels

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Everybody dancing during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels

EU Skills for the Future Summit

  • Klant: EIT Raw Materials
  • Datum: Donderdag 28 november 2019
  • Duur: 9 uur
  • Locatie: Solvay Bibliotheek, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: De EU Skills for the Future Summit was een levendige gebeurtenis die ik met mijn fotografie heb kunnen verslaan. Studenten uit Slovenië, Hongarije en Zuid-Italië kwamen samen voor een dag vol activiteiten, workshops en zelfs dansen. Het idee was om verschillende actuele onderwerpen met betrekking tot duurzaamheid in de EU te bespreken. Aan het einde van de dag kregen de studenten de kans om hun ideeën te presenteren en eerlijke feedback te krijgen van een jury bestaande uit professionals en academici. Dit was zeker een van de meest dynamische evenementen die ik heb behandeld.

A group a students poses for a picture during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Opening speech by Eleanor Saunders during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Mario Roccaro gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Diana Filip, Deputy CEO at JA Europe, during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Students ice breaking activity during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A view from the top floor of the Solvay Library during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A student juggles oranges during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Overview of the Solvay Library room during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A closeup of a group of students working during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A group of students interacting during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Two girls observing a screen during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A girl smiles and holds a white board during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Stefano Arciprete gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Everybody dancing during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A group of students together posing during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A team of students gives a pitch about their idea during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A woman gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A student girl gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A student boy gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Students talking during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Jury debating during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
EU Commission representative gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Stefano Arciprete wraps up the event during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Final group picture all together during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels

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Volunteers smiling during the Animal Rights volunteers party

Animal Rights vrijwilligersfeest

  • Klant: Animal Rights
  • Datum: Zaterdag 23 november 2019
  • Duur: 3 uur
  • Locatie: Gent, België
  • Opdracht: Het vrijwilligersfeest was een initiatief van Animal Rights om waardering te tonen aan al haar vrijwilligers met een warme ochtend/middag samen. Met een brunch, een quiz en een verrassende goodiebag van andere ondersteunende organisaties hadden de vrijwilligers de kans om verder contact te leggen met de medewerkers van Animal Rights.

Banner of Animal Rights during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A volunteer grabbing food during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Carla Desseyn speaking during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A volunteer picks up a card for the quiz during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A volunteer raises her hand playing quiz during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A dog is being caressed during the Animal Rights volunteers party
An overview of the room during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Susan Hartland during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Els Van Campenhout smiling during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Volunteers smiling during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A volunteer speaking with a microphone during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Susan Hartland gives a speech during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Volunteers receive goodies during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Volunteers checking their goodies during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A hand from a volunteer checking a product from Lush during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Two volunteers petting a dog on the floor during the Animal Rights volunteers party

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Neil Maddison, Landscape Conservation, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference

Breekpunt - Oplossing van de Europese Wildlife Rescue Crisis

  • Klant: Eurogroup for Animals
  • Datum: Woensdag 13 november 2018
  • Duur: 2.5 uur
  • Locatie: Europees Parlement, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: Deze conferentie was bedoeld om in dezelfde ruimte verschillende actoren uit Europa samen te brengen om de verschillende problemen aan te pakken waarmee zij te maken hebben met betrekking tot de wilde dieren in het wild. In heel Europa is er een grote vraag naar faciliteiten die in staat zijn om in beslag genomen, in beslag genomen en overgeleverde exotische dieren onder te brengen. Reddingscentra, toevluchtsoorden en vele dierentuinen in Europa spelen een cruciale rol bij het waarborgen van het welzijn van deze dieren en het ondersteunen van de handhavingsinspanningen. Mijn opdracht was het documenteren van de conferentie, waarbij de actoren met elkaar in gesprek en interactie waren.

Two attendees talking during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Attendees listening during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Room overview during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
The audience during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
David van Gennep, CEO, AAA, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Irene Redtenbacher, FOUR PAWS International, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Anja Hazekamp, MEP, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Alicia Sánchez during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Reineke Hameleers, Director Eurogroup for Animals during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Neil Maddison, Landscape Conservation, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Tiger crisis video during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Attendees listening during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Attendee taking cellphone picture during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Jorge Rodríguez Romero during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Martin Hojsik, MEP, during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference
Discussion Panel during the Breaking Point - Solving the European Wildlife Rescue Crisis Conference

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Hilde Vautmans, Member of the European Parliament, during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament

MCE - Kinderen in migratie centraal stellen in de EU

  • Klant: Missing Children Europe
  • Datum: Dinsdag 12 november 2019
  • Duur: 8 uur
  • Locatie: Europees Parlement, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: “Kinderen in migratie centraal stellen in de EU” was een rondetafelconferentie die nieuw gekozen leden van het Europees Parlement, vertegenwoordigers van de lidstaten, personeel van de Europese Commissie, VN- en EU-agentschappen en ngo’s in staat stelde om de mogelijkheden te bespreken om de uitvoering van de mededeling van de Europese Commissie over de bescherming van kinderen in migratie van 2017 te bevorderen. Het was mijn taak om de conferentie en alle sprekers te documenteren in hun uitwisseling van ideeën.

Cover picture on a monitor during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament
Laetitia Van der Vennet and Karen Mets during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament
Emilio Puccio speaking during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament
Rebecca O Donnell, Child Circle, speaking during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament
Karen Mets, Save the Children, speaking during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament
Attendee observing a speaker during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament
Room overview during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament
Laetitia Van der Vennet, Advocacy Officer, during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament
Attendees taking notes during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament
Federica Toscano, Head of Programme at Missing Children Europe, speaking during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament
Hilde Vautmans, Member of the European Parliament, during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament
Syed Hasnain, the Network for Refugee Voices, shows a picture during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament
Hilde Vautmans, Member of the European Parliament, during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament
Group picture of attendees and participants during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament
Karen Mets, Save the Children, during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament
Instagram picture with a frame of four attendees during the MCE Conference at the EU Parliament

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