A woman smiling during coffee break during the EURADA General Assembly 2018

Algemene Vergadering EURADA 2018

  • Klant: EURADA
  • Datum: Donderdag 21 juni 2018
  • Duur: 6 uur
  • Locatie: IGRETEC, Charleroi, België
  • Opdracht: De Algemene Vergadering van EURADA is een jaarlijks evenement waar leden van het agentschap elkaar ontmoeten en verschillende punten bespreken die verband houden met de functies van het agentschap als organisatie. EURADA maakt van deze gelegenheid gebruik om nieuwe leden voor te stellen, hun financiële status te presenteren, te praten over toekomstige uitdagingen, naast andere belangrijke onderwerpen. Mijn taak was het documenteren van de ontwikkeling van de Algemene Vergadering met mijn fotografie.

A woman smiling during coffee break during the EURADA General Assembly 2018
Two persons looking out the window during the EURADA General Assembly 2018
Networking coffee break before event starts during the EURADA General Assembly 2018
Coffee break before the event starts during the EURADA General Assembly 2018
A woman smiling while talking to attendees during the EURADA General Assembly 2018
Banner of EURADA with blurred people during the EURADA General Assembly 2018
Roberta Dall’Olio, President of EURADA, during the EURADA General Assembly 2018
Esteban Pelayo, director of EURADA, opening the event during the EURADA General Assembly 2018
The public applauding and smiling during the EURADA General Assembly 2018
The staff of EURADA introducing new members during the EURADA General Assembly 2018
A man speaker giving a presentation during the EURADA General Assembly 2018
A woman speaker giving a presentation during the EURADA General Assembly 2018
Stanislaw GINDA and Roberta DALL’OLIO during the EURADA General Assembly 2018
Group picture all attendees during the EURADA General Assembly 2018
Awards closeup picture during the EURADA General Assembly 2018
Winners posing with prize during the award ceremony during the EURADA General Assembly 2018

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Networking area overview at Point Center at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi


  • Klant: EURADA
  • Datum: Woensdag 20 juni 2018
  • Duur: 5 uur
  • Locatie: Point Centre, Charleroi, België
  • Opdracht: Dit was de tweede keer dat ik foto’s nam voor AGORADA, een jaarlijks evenement georganiseerd door EURADA, waarbij vertegenwoordigers van ontwikkelingsorganisaties uit verschillende landen van Europa en privé-bedrijven samenkomen om de laatste ontwikkelingen over een groot aantal onderwerpen te bespreken. In dit geval hadden ze het over Industry 4.0.

Point Center view from the left at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi
Angelo Buttafuoco, Innovatech, at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi
A closeup of one of the attendees at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi
Point Center room overview from the center at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi
Point Center room view from the right at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi
Banner of EURADA and EU flags at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi
The audience at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi
Olivier Van de Werve, CETIC, at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi
People networking during coffee break at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi
Networking area overview at Point Center at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi
Thomas Dermine, Cellule Catch, at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi
Lucilla Lanciotti, CEO Novafund, at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi
Audience listening to the conference at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi
Christine Simon, European Commission, at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi
Pablo Coca, CTIC Technology Center, at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi
Woman speaker smiling at the EURADA AGORADA 2018, Charleroi

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Closeup from the back of a participant writing at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3

EHC Leadership Conference 2018 - Dag 3

  • Klant: European Haemophilia Consortium
  • Datum: Zondag 10 juni 2018
  • Duur: 4 uur
  • Locatie: Thon Hotel EU, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: Het idee was om de dynamiek van de conferentie gedurende 3 dagen te documenteren. De EHC Leadership Conference is een zeer dynamisch evenement met veel activiteiten gedurende de dag. De derde en laatste dag was voor de laatste gedachten en opmerkingen.

Speaker opening the day at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3 in Brussels
An overview of the venue at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3 in Brussels
A speaker engaging with the audience at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3 in Brussels
Hands writing on a paper at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3 in Brussels
Closeup from the back of a participant writing at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3
Overview of the workshop room at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3 in Brussels
A participant asking a question at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3 in Brussels
A participant asks a question at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3 in Brussels
A participant asks a question at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3 in Brussels
Amanda Bok, CEO of EHC at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3 in Brussels
Amanda Bok, CEO of EHC gives a speech at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3 in Brussels
A member of the EHC staff at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3 in Brussels
A participant applauding at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3 in Brussels
Participants networking at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3 in Brussels
Group picture of participants at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3 in Brussels
EHC Staff picture at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 3 in Brussels

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Group picture at Mont des Arts during the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels

EHC Leadership Conference 2018 - Dag 2

  • Klant: European Haemophilia Consortium
  • Datum: Zaterdag 9 juni 2018
  • Duur: 11,5 uur
  • Locatie: Thon Hotel EU & Kwint, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: Het idee was om de dynamiek van de conferentie gedurende 3 dagen te documenteren. De EHC Leadership Conference is een zeer dynamisch evenement met veel activiteiten gedurende de dag. Aan het eind van de dag ging de groep naar de Kunstberg en het restaurant Kwint om van hun avond te genieten.

The catalog book at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels
A speaker opens the day at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels
Attendees participate in a dynamic activity at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels
A discussion panel at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels
Attendees entering the venue at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels
Closeup of an attendee at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels
An overview of the venue at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels
A participant interacting at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels
Participants during a workshop at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels
A speaker engages the audience at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels
Hands building lego at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels
Participants building LEGO at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels
Amanda Bok, CEO of EHC at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels
Participants at a workshop table at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels
Group picture at Mont des Arts during the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels
Participants dining at Kwint during the EHC Leadership Conference Day 2 in Brussels

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Identification gadgets at the EHC Leadership Conference 2018

EHC Leadership Conference 2018 - Dag 1

  • Klant: European Haemophilia Consortium
  • Datum: Vrijdag 8 juni 2018
  • Duur: 9 uur
  • Locatie: Thon Hotel EU, Brussel, België
  • Opdracht: Het idee was om de dynamiek van de conferentie gedurende 3 dagen te documenteren. De EHC Leadership Conference is een zeer dynamisch evenement met veel activiteiten gedurende de dag.

Identification gadgets at the EHC Leadership Conference 2018
Welcome/Info point at the EHC Leadership Conference 2018 in Brussels
Ice breaker activity at the EHC Leadership Conference 2018 Day 1 in Brussels
TV with the logo of EHC at the EHC Leadership Conference 2018 Day in Brussels
People networking at the EHC Leadership Conference 2018 day 1 in Brussels
People voting at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 1 in Brussels
People check out the info boards at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 1 in Brussels
A speaker at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 1 in Brussels
Closeup of a notebook at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 1 in Brussels
A roundtable with participants at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 1 in Brussels
Closeup of a participant at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 1 in Brussels
Attendees networking at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 1 in Brussels
A speaker at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 1 in Brussels
A woman in the panel smiles at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 1 in Brussels
The silhouette of a speaker at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 1 in Brussels
An attendee applauding at the EHC Leadership Conference Day 1 in Brussels

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