• Client : EIT Raw Materials
  • Date : Le jeudi 28 novembre 2019
  • Durée : 9 heures
  • Lieu : Bibliothèque Solvay, Bruxelles, Belgique
  • Mission : Le sommet de l’UE sur les compétences pour l’avenir a été un événement animé que j’ai eu la chance de couvrir avec mes photos. Des étudiants de Slovénie, de Hongrie et du sud de l’Italie se sont réunis pour une journée remplie d’activités, d’ateliers et même de danse. L’idée était de discuter de différents sujets d’actualité liés à la durabilité dans l’UE. A la fin de la journée, les étudiants ont eu la chance de présenter leurs idées et d’obtenir un feedback honnête de la part d’un jury composé de professionnels et d’universitaires. Ce fut certainement l’un des événements les plus dynamiques que j’ai couverts.
A group a students poses for a picture during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Opening speech by Eleanor Saunders during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Mario Roccaro gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Diana Filip, Deputy CEO at JA Europe, during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Students ice breaking activity during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A view from the top floor of the Solvay Library during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A student juggles oranges during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Overview of the Solvay Library room during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A closeup of a group of students working during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A group of students interacting during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Two girls observing a screen during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A girl smiles and holds a white board during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Stefano Arciprete gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Everybody dancing during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A group of students together posing during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A team of students gives a pitch about their idea during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A woman gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A student girl gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
A student boy gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Students talking during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Jury debating during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
EU Commission representative gives a speech during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Stefano Arciprete wraps up the event during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels
Final group picture all together during the Skills for the Future event in Brussels

Vous voulez en voir plus ? Vous pouvez consulter ma galerie de photos d’événements.

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