Understatement est un projet de photographie de rue impliquant la photographie au flash en gros plan que j’ai développé au fil des ans. Il s’agit d’utiliser un flash hors-caméra pour mettre en valeur les détails vus dans les rues. Je suis très attiré par les détails des choses ordinaires qui pourraient facilement passer inaperçus. Le flash m’aide à mettre en évidence les détails spécifiques qui sont importants pour moi.

La sous-estimation est un énoncé qui décrit quelque chose d’une manière qui le fait paraître moins important qu’il ne l’est réellement. Par conséquent, un euphémisme donne l’impression que quelque chose est mauvais ou moins grave.

Vous pouvez consulter mon projet Understatement ci-dessous et si vous voulez voir plus de mon travail, vous pouvez consulter mes autres projets et visiter ma page Instagram sur la photographie de rue.

Close up flash street photograph of a pair of legs wearing high colored socks walking
Close up flash street photograph of woman's legs next to a carousel horse
Close up flash street photograph of a woman's arm holding a bag with a woman's face stamped on it
Close up flash street photograph of a child's foot wearing a pink shoe against a yellow wall
Close up flash street photograph of woman in disguise covering her face with glittery pink gloves
Close up flash street photograph of a man wearing a suit carrying a violet handkerchief
A foot of a man over a skateboard wearing white socks with 3 red horizontal stripes
Close up flash street photograph of person fixing their blue and yellow roller skates
Close up flash street photograph of a seagull about to eat a piece of bread from somebody's hand
Close up flash street photograph of a dog yawning while sitting on its owner legs
Close up flash street photograph of doll being held by her hair by someone's hand
Close up flash street photograph of a child wearing a yellow jacket holding a teddy duck
Close up flash street photograph of a pair of feet wearing Adidas shoes on top of a yellow chair
Close up flash street photograph of a woman's legs bending back while she is sitting on a bench
Close up flash street photograph of a hand trying to touch a horse that's moving away
Close up flash street photograph of a hand grabbing an inflatable upside down green dinosaur head
Close up flash street photograph of man carrying a teddy bear in Brussels
Close up flash street photograph of someone's foot wearing a black shoe on top of a street pole
Close up flash street photograph of black man with his hands covered in white flour in Brussels
Close up flash street photograph of pigeon trapped inside a shop seen from outside
Close up flash street photograph of the torso of a woman wearing a pink fluffy coat
Close up flash street photograph of a hand carrying a bunch of colored balloons
Close up flash street photograph of two girls seen from behind wearing blue dresses and pink socks
Close up flash street photograph of a woman wearing a white dress and shoes laying on a red floor

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