• Client : Animal Rights
  • Date : Le samedi 23 novembre 2019
  • Durée : 3 heures
  • Lieu : Gand, Belgique
  • Mission : La fête des bénévoles était une initiative d’Animal Rights pour remercier tous les bénévoles avec une matinée et un après-midi chaleureux ensemble. Avec un brunch, un quiz et une pochette surprise d’autres organismes de soutien, les bénévoles ont eu l’occasion d’établir des liens avec le personnel d’Animal Rights.
Banner of Animal Rights during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A volunteer grabbing food during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Carla Desseyn speaking during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A volunteer picks up a card for the quiz during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A volunteer raises her hand playing quiz during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A dog is being caressed during the Animal Rights volunteers party
An overview of the room during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Susan Hartland during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Els Van Campenhout smiling during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Volunteers smiling during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A volunteer speaking with a microphone during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Susan Hartland gives a speech during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Volunteers receive goodies during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Volunteers checking their goodies during the Animal Rights volunteers party
A hand from a volunteer checking a product from Lush during the Animal Rights volunteers party
Two volunteers petting a dog on the floor during the Animal Rights volunteers party

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