Entrance to the conference room at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels

IN4WOOD Conférence finale

  • Client : EURADA
  • Date : Le mercredi 30 octobre 2019
  • Durée : 4 heures
  • Lieu : Bureau d’EURADA, Bruxelles, Belgique
  • Mission : Documenter les développements de la Conférence finale d’IN4WOOD au cours des sessions du matin. Cette conférence a offert un aperçu approfondi de l’industrie 4.0 du point de vue de l’industrie du bois et de l’ameublement.

Entrance to the conference room at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
The sessions start in the room at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Martin HUEMER, Senior Policy Officer, (DG RTD) at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Room overview at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Closeup of an attendee at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Irene BURRONI at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Maria Victoria BUENO DELGADO, Professor, UPC, at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
An attendee laughs at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
An attendee takes a picture with a cellphone at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Group funky picture at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Woman participant laughing while at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Dondu Unal HAKTAR, Head of HUGO BOSS Solutions, at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
David LORENZO, Production Manager, FAMA, at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
A woman takes a picture with her cellphone at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Peter VAN HOECKE, CEO, Van Hoecke nv, at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels
Giulia Dentice, CEO, Dall'Albero Srl, at the In4Wood Final Conference by EURADA, Brussels

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All the prizes to be awarded at the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Brussels

EUSIC 2019 - Défier les déchets plastiques

  • Client : Nesta
  • Date : Le jeudi 24 octobre 2019
  • Durée : 5.5 heures
  • Lieu : Complexe Albert Hall, Bruxelles, Belgique
  • Mission : Le concours européen de l’innovation sociale (EUSIC), lancé à la mémoire de Diogo Vasconcelos, est un concours organisé par la Commission européenne dans tous les pays européens. Le concours de 2019 s’intitule Challenging Plastic Waste et recherche les projets, produits, services, modèles d’affaires et collaborations les plus novateurs en matière de déchets plastiques. Ma mission était de documenter la cérémonie de remise des prix qui se déroule à Bruxelles, au cours de laquelle trois finalistes reçoivent 50.000 € pour poursuivre leurs projets.

All the prizes to be awarded at the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Brussels
The plenary session starts at the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Brussels
View of one of the workshop tables at the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Brussels
Closeup of a woman participant at the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Brussels
Two participants laughing during the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Brussels
Workshop table overview at the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Brussels
Overview of the workshop room at the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Complex Albert Hall, Brussels
One of the mentors explains crowdfunding at the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Brussels
Visitors checking the projects at the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Complex Albert Hall, Brussels
Visitors going up the stairs at the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Albert Hall Complex, Brussels
Klaus Schuch speaks about the Impact Prize at the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Brussels
Discussion panel at the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Albert Hall Complex, Brussels
The Albert Hall Complex room during the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Brussels
Timo Pesonen, European Commission, giving a speech at the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Brussels
VEnvirotech team wins the award and approaches the podium at the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Brussels
The winners of the EUSIC 2019 Awards with Timo Pesonen during the EUSIC 2019 Awards, Brussels

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Antti Rinne, Prime Minister of Finland, arriving at the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels

Réunion pré-Conseil du PSE 2019

  • Client : PES
  • Date : Le jeudi 17 octobre 2019
  • Durée : 3 heures
  • Lieu : Complex Albert Hall, Bruxelles, Belgique
  • Mission : La réunion du pré-conseil du PSE est une réunion régulière au cours de laquelle les membres du parti politique du PSE doivent discuter des sujets d’actualité. Ils discutent des prochaines orientations stratégiques liées à Brexit et à la popularité du PSE dans la population européenne. Ma mission consistait à prendre des photos des arrivants, à prendre la photo de famille et à documenter la réunion, y compris chaque personne présente à la réunion.

Zoran Zaev and Sergei Stanishev shake hands during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Sergei Stanishev interviewed by local media during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Antti Rinne, Prime Minister of Finland, arriving at the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Jeremy Corbyn arriving at the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, arriving at the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Iratxe García arriving at the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Stefan Lofven, Prime Minister of Sweden, arriving to the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Family picture during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
António Costa and Alexis Tsipras walking to the room during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
António Costa, Prime Minister of Portugal, speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Room overview during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Sergei Stanishev, President, Party of European Socialists, opens the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Frans Timmermans speaks during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Frans Timmermans speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Iratxe García speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, UK, speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Sergei Stanishev, President, Party of European Socialists, listens to a member during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Nicolas Schmit and Ylva Johansson talking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Federica Mogherini talking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Alexis Tsipras, Leader of Syriza, Greece, speaking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels
Iratxe García, Jeremy Corbyn and Sergei Stanishev talking during the 2019 PES Pre Council in Brussels

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An overview of the tent inside for the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019 when it starts

Oktoberfest Bruxelles 2019

  • Client : Représentation de l’État libre de Bavière auprès de l’Union européenne
  • Date : Le mercredi 16 octobre 2019
  • Durée : 6 heures
  • Lieu : Représentation de l’État libre de Bavière auprès de l’Union européenne, Bruxelles, Belgique
  • Mission : L’Oktoberfest Brüssel est une célébration annuelle organisée par la Représentation de l’État libre de Bavière auprès de l’Union européenne, qui se tient à Bruxelles selon les traditions de l’Oktoberfest de Munich, en Allemagne. Ma mission consistait à documenter l’événement en montrant l’environnement, les interactions et les sponsors s’amusant.

People entering the tent for the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
The empty tent inside for Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019 before it started
An overview of the tent inside for the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019 when it starts
A couple of musicians walk inside the tent while playing during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
A woman waitress carries four pints of beer during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
The opening ceremony during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019 with State Minister Dr. Herrmann
People cheering with beers on the main stage during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
Two girls carrying beer smiling to the camera during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
The gebirgsschützen group on their table during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
A band of musicians plays in the secondary stage during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
People posing with banner from Munich Tourism during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
Reporter interviews a woman during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
Overview of the main tent while people eat and drink during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
A guitar player smiles while playing on stage during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
People raising their glasses and cheering with beer during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
The Siemens group table smiles to the camera during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
A woman in a traditional Bavarian dress poses with a man to the camera during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
A man smiles while showing his Bavarian heart cookie during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
A group of people shows their Bavarian hearts while smiling during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
Three Hofbräu beers during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
A man and a woman hug during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
Detail of a man hugging a woman while carrying a Bavarian heart during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019
An overview of the main tent during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019 towards the end of the evening
A man and a woman dance and smile to the camera during the Oktoberfest Brüssel 2019

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Audience applauding at the Vaudeville Theatre during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels

Prix d'excellence en sécurité routière 2019

  • Client : European Transport Safety Council
  • Date : Le mercredi 9 octobre 2019
  • Durée : 3 heures
  • Lieu : Vaudeville Theatre, Bruxelles, Belgique
  • Mission : Le Prix d’excellence en sécurité routière 2019 est un événement annuel au cours duquel plusieurs initiatives de la Charte européenne de la sécurité routière sont récompensées pour leur contribution à la sécurité routière en Europe. Les lauréats ont été annoncés au prestigieux théâtre de Vaudeville à Bruxelles par la commissaire européenne aux transports, Violeta Bulc. Ma mission consistait à documenter visuellement, à l’aide de mes photos, la cérémonie de remise des prix, les différentes présentations, les panels de discussion et l’ambiance de la soirée. Un moment critique a été la photo de famille à la fin de la soirée, suivie des boissons et de la mise en réseau après la cérémonie.

Vaudeville Theatre inside with guests during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Matthew Baldwin opening the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A woman talks about her team during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A woman awardee is interviewed during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A woman smiles during an interview at the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A woman from the audience during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A woman shakes hand during her interview at the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A man in the audience applauding during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A man gives a presentation during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
The Vaudeville Theatre during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Matthew Baldwin receives a guest on stage during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Two men during an interview at the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Closeup of the brochure during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Guests sitting on tables at the Vaudeville Theatre during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards
Violeta Bulc closing presentation during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Family picture all winners during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Béatrice Barrot speaking during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Elisabeth Werner, EU Commission, during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Discussion panel with the winners during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
A woman receives an award during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
VOZIM winner from 2018 gets a hug during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Audience applauding at the Vaudeville Theatre during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
Violeta Bulc closing speech during the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels
People enjoying drinks at the closing of the 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Awards in Brussels

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Violeta Bulc giving a speech during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels

EU Road Safety Exchange 2019

  • Client : European Transport Safety Council
  • Date : Le mercredi 9 octobre 2019
  • Durée : 3.5 heures
  • Lieu : Thon Hotel EU, Bruxelles, Belgique
  • Mission : Le projet EU Road Safety Exchange veut contribuer à réduire l’écart de sécurité routière entre les États membres de l’UE par l’échange de connaissances et d’expériences sur les mesures efficaces de sécurité routière. Le projet développe des partenariats entre les professionnels de la sécurité routière de différents pays européens et contribue à résoudre leurs problèmes spécifiques de sécurité routière par des activités de jumelage. Ma mission consistait à prendre des photos de la conférence d’échange qui a donné lieu à divers discours et à des panels de discussion avec plusieurs participants. L’événement, qui s’est déroulé plus tard dans la soirée, s’est transformé en une cérémonie de remise de prix que vous pouvez consulter ici.

A screen with the title of the conference during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Audience listening to the presentations during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Herman De Croo presenting during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Antonio Avenoso giving a presentation during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Thon Hotel conference room overview during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Álvaro Gómez Méndez, NRSO, speaking with a microphone during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Lars Ekman, Swedish Transport Administration, speaking during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Joël Valmain asking a question during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Room overview from the podium during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Joanna Ochenkowska applauding during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Two men exchange business cards during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Audience and attendees during the coffee break at the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Volker Orben, TISPOL, giving a presentation during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Moyagh Murdock, Road Safety Authority, speaking during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Volker Orben, TISPOL, speaking with a microphone during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Dovile Adminaite giving a presentation during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Dovile Adminaite giving a presentation during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Maarten van het Bolscher speaking during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
A man from the audience poses a question during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
A man wearing glasses poses a question during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Jean Todt making a speech during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Violeta Bulc smiling in the audience during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Violeta Bulc giving a speech during the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels
Group picture at the end of the 2019 EU Road Safety Exchange Conference in Brussels

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