You are organizing an event for your company, or a client, taking care of all the details so everything goes well and as planned. Then that question arises: “Do I need a photographer for my event?”

Before answering that, let’s look at other questions that could help you better organize your thoughts around this.

Why do we need pictures of our event?

Photographs are an essential visual asset for communications and marketing. Pictures help us to better engage and connect with past events by creating memories that we can revisit and share. If your organization finds it relevant to talk about the event, then you should take pictures.

Maybe I can take the pictures myself?

If you feel you are quite good at taking pictures and have a decent camera or cellphone, you may consider doing it yourself. You will save some money, and manage to get a couple of shots here and there for communications. Remember, though, that doing all this takes time, and as an organizer, you also have other tasks to take care of, maybe even be on stage or engage with guests. More often than not, you will be involved in the organizational details of the event. The least of your worries will be to snap a photo.

How about having a team member taking pictures?

Definitely, and they can probably do it quite well, given that they have the time, knowledge, and right material to take the pictures needed. If you prefer using someone internally, my recommendation is for you to have them take photos throughout the event, and not interrupt them with other organizational tasks. If an internal person is not something you have, and you need pictures of the event, the best is to go for a professional photographer.

Is a photographer the right solution? 

You can get by and use an internal person or snap away from your cellphone for quick social media communications. However, getting a professional photographer for your event should be the right solution when looking for high-quality pictures that represent the event in its entirety. Some photographers could also offer to give you some photos during the event itself for your communications if that’s something you find valuable.

What is the added value of using a professional photographer?

A professional photographer, in short, should understand how to document the event in the right way, able to follow the schedule and stay out of your way. You, as an organizer, will be able to concentrate on the event itself and not worry about the pictures, thus, removing a burden off your shoulders. At the same time, you will end up with great photos taken by a professional.

What is the role of the photographer?

The role of the photographer is to visually catch the most important moments and help those who were not there feel like they were present. The right photographer will know how to move around without annoying your guests and document everything smoothly and professionally. I believe an event photographer should be an active observer rather than an active participant.

So, do you need a photographer for your event?
  • – If you want to have longlasting high-quality visual memories of your event for communication and marketing purposes, and
  • – If, as an organizer, you value your time and want to be worry-free throughout the event.

Then, the answer should be YES, get a photographer, and enjoy yourself!

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